“The Math Teacher’s Toolbox” Published

Math Teacher's Toolbox

After two years of seemingly endless writing, revising, and proofreading, The Math Teacher’s Toolbox – the book that my colleague Larisa Bukalov and I wrote – was finally published by Jossey-Bass (a subdivision of Wiley). This book incorporates many of the ideas that Larisa and I have talked about for years. Many times, we’d jokingly say to each other, “we should put that into a book.” Well, we finally did!

Writing The Math Teacher’s Toolbox taught us a lot about motivating students, culturally responsive teaching, social-emotional learning, and differentiating instruction. Not that we didn’t know about these ideas beforehand, but we realized while writing this book that we had so much to learn.

We also hope that we can inspire other teachers to write more frequently. Even a blog post or some tweets make a difference. At a time when many of us are scrambling to adjust our teaching, we need to have our voices heard. In fact, we wrote an article for Larry Ferlazzo’s Classroom Q&A blog on the Education Week website about this: “Writing Has Improved Our Teaching.”

The Math Teacher’s Toolbox is available on Amazon here: https://bit.ly/math-teachers-toolbox . Excerpts and other resources from the book are available on the Wiley website: https://bit.ly/wiley-math-teachers-toolbox

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