I am honored to announce that I am a candidate for the Board of Directors of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM).
Here is my candidate statement:
As a classroom teacher since 2005, I know how overwhelming the profession can be. Being sustained by different communities has helped me to become a more equitable teacher for my students and a stronger advocate for the profession.
NCTM is uniquely qualified to strengthen teacher communities. NCTM can enhance fellowship among teachers and other math educators by building up affinity groups – an initiative that I helped start in 2024. NCTM should also support state and local organizations in offering virtual professional development sessions, which I have extensive experience running as part of the Math for America community. Finally, NCTM needs to support teachers in advocating to improve education policies, which I have done at the state and local levels.
I want NCTM to be a national community of teachers of mathematics. As someone with experience in improving teacher fellowship, professional development, and education policies, I can help NCTM be a better advocate for high-quality learning for all teachers and students.
My background is summarized on the NCTM website: https://www.nctm.org/About/President,-Board-and-Committees/Nominations-and-Elections/2025-Candidates/Bobson-Wong/. The complete list of candidates for the Board of Directors and President-Elect is at https://www.nctm.org/About/President,-Board-and-Committees/Nominations-and-Elections/2025-Board-of-Directors-Election/.